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قالَ رَسولُ الله ص

إِذا بَكَى اليَتيمُ اهتَزَّ العَرشُ، فَيَقولُ اللّه عَزَّوَجَلَّ لِجَبرَئيلَ: وَسِّع فِى الجَنَّةِ لِمَن أَضحَكَهُ فَإِنّى اُضحِكُهُ

 Prophet (AS) said: “When an orphan sheds a tear heaven shakes.” God Declared to Gabriel “Open a space in heaven for those who make an orphan happy since I will make them happy.”

Millions of children in poverty stricken lands have been deprived the tender warmth of a mother’s touch and the loving serenity of a father’s care. At innocent and playful young ages, these children have been quickly forced to mature into early adulthood fending for survival, and in many cases, caring for younger siblings.

Orphans Relief Foundation is serving  in the most war-torn and poverty-stricken areas, to provide a gleam of hope to young lives surrounded by sadness and desolation.

Through your donations, ORF provides orphaned children with food, housing, clothing, education, medical and most of all, hope for a brighter future!